

  • In depth reporting

    Easily view and download detailed reports to help stay in control of your business and assets. Our reporting module intelligently mines the data that is collated from your usage of figaro and then converts the data into human-readable information. Each report can be filtered and sorted as desired, and can be exported into multiple formats, including Microsoft Excel, Adobe PDF and CSV.

    Reports include
    Customer Report
    Customer Account Report
    Invoice Report
    Customer Statement
    Backup Account Report
    Commission Report
  • Permission granted

    Control staff user accounts with customisable groups and permissions. Each member of your staff can be quickly setup with their own unique login for figaro. Users can be easily organised into groups and then assigned permissions based on their job roles. Don't want your sales guy viewing your finance reports? Not a problem.


  • Don't fall behind

    figaro's notification system and audit history will proactively keep your staff on top of their to-do lists. figaro automatically raises notifications for important changes and actions and doubles up as a warning system to catch and prevent problems arising. Notifications can be read, actioned and closed as your staff complete activities to help efficiently manage their work load. Throughout figaro we have integrated an audit trail tool that automatically records changes and allows staff to manually add and view notes.

  • Earn your dues

    Our built in commission module allows you to specify customised sales thresholds and individual rates, and crunches the numbers to ensure your sales guys get what they've earned. Staff commission rates can be set per person to allow truly personalised rates. In addition to individual rates, figaro allows you to specify sales targets for your staff to work towards.


  • Customer Portal

    figaro offers a powerful control panel for your clients and is customised to stay in line with your branding. Customers are able to manage their accounts and details, request account changes and view their billing history. Account requests such as quota increases can be sent through the portal directly to the customer's account manager. The account requests are delivered to the account manager as an email and will appear as a request notification ready and waiting for them to action when they login. The Customer Portal features a Sign Up form for potential clients to create a free Trial account.

  • Discounts

    Offer your best and most loyal customers discounts, and put them on a tailored payment package. Our packages module offers a sleek solution for you to set up flexible plans for your customers and their accounts. Choose a default package for the majority of your clients, with additional packages for the special cases.

Affiliates & Resellers

  • More than a customer

    Offer customers the opportunity to easily re-sell your services or become an affiliate. Being an affiliate provides your customers with a way to earn commission by bringing in new business for you. Each affiliate is assigned a unique affiliate code and a unique link to your online sign up form. This special link allows customers brought in by each affiliate to be tagged, and have affiliate commission automatically calculated without overloading your accounting team.

  • Seamless reselling

    The Customer Portal gives resellers a wealth of tools to manage their own customers' accounts thereby freeing up your own sales and account management team to work on your direct clients.

    Make life easy for your resellers - through figaro you can offer them a customised trial sign up form that can be easily integrated into their own web site and tailored to their branding. The form enables potential customers to sign up for a free trial account under the reseller. figaro provides you with a slice of code which can be simply copied and pasted into a chosen web page on the reseller's website.


  • Simple administration

    Easily create, moderate and remove multiple backup servers and accounts. figaro was designed with technicians in mind to help streamline their work load. Technicians can easily add new backup accounts, amend account quotas and modules and check the status of backup servers. Migrated accounts from one backup server to another? figaro will detect the change and prompt you for an action.

  • Quota Increases

    Reduce your overhead by setting accounts to automatically increase their quota by a percentage or fixed amount when they approach their quota limit, or keep tabs on manual accounts with warning notifications and quota usage bars. Throughout figaro there are usage bars that allow you to quickly see what accounts are reaching their limits. Notifications will make sure you stay on top of the accounts that have had or require an increase in their quota.

  • Reconciliation

    To allow you to easily manage your customers and their bills, figaro automatically reconciles accounts with your Comet® backup servers. The management dashboard provides technicians with an easy solution to view and handle rogue accounts that exist on a backup server but not in figaro - orphans - and accounts that exist in figaro but don't reside on a server - missing. Accounts can be connected to your customers, hidden or removed at the click of a button. Active accounts can also be orphaned on demand, for example if you need to move an account from one customer to another.


  • Automatic Invoicing

    figaro calculates and creates charges automatically and on demand, then invoices your customers on their billing day to help you avoid long hours spent crunching numbers. Flexible billing means customers can be set to be billed on a chosen day of the month or on the anniversary of their sign up date. On a customer's invoice day a regular fee for all of their accounts is calculated and added to any pending charges accrued since the last invoice day. By automatically generating and emailing a VAT invoice, figaro ensures you bill your customers accurately and on time.

  • Flexible pricing

    Automatic invoicing is only viable if the system covers any pricing scheme you care to use. figaro's package manager allows you to define individual pricing packages to support truly flexible billing.
    The package manager supports any combination of setup charges and ongoing fees for any Comet® Modules. Storage quota can be priced by using a fixed rate, a variable rate or by price breaks for each package.

    Fixed Rate Fixed rate pricing assigns a fixed fee per-gig.
    Variable Rate Variable rate pricing offers a sliding scale for per-gig pricing where the fee reduces as the quota grows in size. Use the package manager to set the rate, or enter your own formula.
    Price Breaks Price break pricing allows you to specify your pricing for different quota ranges.
  • Customer Payment methods

    figaro does not just generate invoices, it can automatically collect payments from your customers using Direct Debit*.

    For those customers who do not pay by Direct Debit, figaro can export a list of amounts due together with customer payment details for onward transmission to your bank or collection agent.

    In addition, figaro provides an easy to manage list of invoices due for reconciliation against your bank statement.

    *SmartDebit required; Alternative payment providers can be integrated subject to additional development costs.

  • Resellers and Affiliates

    These two parter categories should only be win win for you. figaro takes away all of the accounting hassle that can derive from their activities.

    Resellers are treated like super customers. Their pricing and packages can be adjusted to set up their discount arrangements (if any) so that invoices can be automatically and accurately generated according to the activities of all of their customers.

    Affiliates are allocated an affiliate code and link, to tag the customers they bring in. figaro calculates the commission they are due each month, and affiliates can see what commission they are due in the customer portal.

    Both resellers and affiliates can reconsile their accounts against the customer portal without having to contact you.